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资料名称: CRM-奥美
扩 展 名: rar 格式
资料类别: -> 管理资料 -> 顾客管理
语  言: 英文
更新时间: 2009/5/22
访 问 量: 下载 4 次 / 浏览1217 次
推荐程度: ★★★★★
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资料介绍:Company existence – quest for profit. Three ways to increase the profitability of the customer base Acquire more customers Optimize the value of the existing customers Retain the right customers longer Acquiring new customer cost 5-10 times more that retaining the existing one Loyal customers will will buy more and are willing to pay premium prices 20/80 rule – 20% of the customers generate 80% of the revenue

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上一篇:CRM 的学习资料


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