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     We are glad to receive your letter of March 22 but sorry to learn that your customers find our quotation too high.

     Thank you for your fax of March l9. We regret to say that we can not accept your counter offer.



     As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret to say we cannot make further concession.

     We believe our price are quite realistic; it is impossible that any other suppliers can under-quote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.

     The price we quoted is accurately calculated. We have cut the profit to the minimum in order to expand the market.

     We feel that your counter offer is not proper because the price for such material is on the increase at present.



    However , in order to develop our market in your place, we have decided to accept your counter offer as an exceptional case.

     In order to assist you to compete with other dea1ers in the market, we have decided to reduce 2% of the price quoted to you in the previous letter, if your order reaches 5000 sets at one time.

     Owing to the great demand for the product, this offer is va1id on1y for 5 days.

     As an excellent substitute for this artic1e, we would

    suggest you our Fine range shoes,which are sold at a lower price but also enjoy a good popu1arity in the world market.

    作者:115.151.126.* 日期:2011/5/13 11:20:32   回复

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