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资料名称: 香港麦当劳部份食品之营养分析
扩 展 名: rar 格式
资料类别: -> 行业资料 -> 酒店餐饮
语  言: 简体
更新时间: 2009/6/6
访 问 量: 下载 7 次 / 浏览1394 次
推荐程度: ★★★★★
我要下载: 登陆 下载

资料介绍:Bringing a fresher tune to your life The brand new Fresh Choices Menu offers you delicious flatbread sandwiches, fresh salad , smooth yogurt and refreshing tea. McDonald’s Flatbread Garden fresh lettuce and crunchy carrots wrapped in soft flatbread with a choice of tender grilled chicken ,delicious black pepper pork or juicy Korean beef. What’s your pick for the day? McDonald’s Salad A refreshing plate of mixed greens cherry tomatoes com and carrots. Pick your favorite plate including three tasty choices: Green Salad, Potato and Green Salad and Grilled Chicken Salad Then top it up with your choice of Red Vinaigrette, Caesar or Thousand island dressing. McDonald’s Yogurt and Drinks try our brand new fruity peach n Blueberry yogurt with low fat yogurt. You can even sprinkle granola on top for a creamy and crunchy sensation.. Or have a sip of the soothing Nestea Honey pear tea and refreshing Nestea lemon tea guaranteeing a perfect end to that perfect meal.

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